SCSU Spring 2010 1/25/10 – 5/22/10 Professor Pettigrew
PHI 200 02 W Problems in Philosophy 11:10am – 12:00am EN B210 EN D212, x26778
Office Hours: M 3:30-5, T 1-3 R 1-3:30
And by appointment
PHI 200 02W Problems in Philosophy
Phase III Preliminary Written Assignment
Gourevitch/Historical Dimensions
Due: April 23, 2010
In this preliminary assignment for phase two of our course you are to reflect on the historical dimensions of the genocide in Rwanda. You are to use chapter four of Philip Gourevitch’s book as the sole resource for the paper. Discuss the theory of “race science” developed by John Hanning Speke, a theory that privileged the Tutsis over the Hutus. Reflect on the effect of the Belgian’s issuance of identity cards to Tutsis and Hutus in 1933. Consider the extent to which colonial “race science” objectified, dehumanized and divided the Rwandans through a socially constructed ethnicity. What was the effect of political independence in the early 1960’s? Provide direct quotes, extracting passages from the text with page numbers for reference. Remember that you will need to revise, synthesize and incorporate this work into the culminating written assignment. Not all the information you include in this preliminary assignment will be able to be transferred into the culminating assignment
Your paper must be 2-3 pages in length, typed (12 pt font) and double-spaced, with conventional margins.